Friday 12 September 2014

Where Is The Kingdom Of God

The kingdomof God is exactly here all around you. If you have a heart full of God’s love then you can surely accumulate all the blissful aspects of the Almighty.

Nobody is avoided from this kingdom, for all souls stay in the Kingdom of God at all times.
Nonetheless, an individual soul can accept it is differentiated from God in the event that it picks this experience, for each thought you have makes your world. Since all your contemplations make your world, on the off chance that you hold the prospect that you are outside or separated from God, then this is the truth you will make in your own particular personality. Yet the Kingdom of God exists just in the eternal now, in the truth of the present moment. You can just enter the Kingdom of God by rediscovering that you are God in human substance in a state of flawless peace in the interminable minute of now. Each and every desire that you have detracts you from the Reality of now, takes your peace, and moves your psyche into dream area and illusion. Each spirit has free will under God's law of free will and living in the domain of imagination and illusion is not awful or shrewd or not right. There is one little issue with endeavoring to turn on both taps. When you turn on the tap that picks dream, desires and illusion, you are choosing to move away from reality and you are consequently closing off the other tap that brings you into the consciousness of the Kingdom of God. You are not being rebuffed. God is
not doing this to you. You are picking this to yourself utilizing your own particular Free Will. You hear numerous otherworldly seekers nowadays utilize the expression. To put it just, God is the now and whatever else might be available is "desire" and keeps you outside of the mindfulness that you are inside the Kingdom of God. When you encounter yourself "outside" the Kingdom of God, you feel lost and friendless and miserable and discouraged and unfilled inside. This inclination of vacancy reasons numerous souls to make an entire store loaded with new desires to fill the void they are presently feeling inside, yet this just exacerbates the issue. This is the reason addicts go down into a descending winding of void and obliteration toward oneself. The truth is each individual on Earth is a fanatic and is dependent on dream, to desires. A developing number of souls are arousing and re-discovering that immaculate peace must be found by surrendering things, doling things out, separating, having no desires and decreasing their general number of desires, yet this is a long process, actually for the most praiseworthy soul on Earth. This genuinely is a trip of a thousand miles and is not simple to experience the withdrawal indications of surrendering natural connections and desires.

God loves you and He is ready to hug you in every way. Just be closer to Him by following all His tenets.

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