Friday 14 November 2014

How Much Do You Know About The Kindom Of God?

If we examine the kingdom of God carefully then we will come to know that the next phase of the kingdom of God is nothing but a kind of world ruling monarchy that God intends to establish on this earth through Jesus Christ. A vision described in the book of Daniel covers all the prophecies from the time of Daniel to the time of Christ’s second coming. Daniel very well understood that there would be four major empires ruling the world at that time. Daniel also explains that in the days of the fourth empire these empires will be replaced by God by the kingdom of God.

God will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall never be left to other
people. We see that the fourth kingdom continues to rule till Christ returns to establish His Kingdom on earth. God’s kingdom is exactly the same kingdom about which Jesus Christ preached. The nature of this kingdom is clear to all of us. The four kingdoms that have been described in Daniel were responsible for ruling over lands and people. Those empires were great ones with dominion, warring against and conquering other nations and at the same time power to rule. They had their own kings, subjects, laws and governments. The kingdom of God will be a literal kingdom ruling over the earth and it will be an everlasting and all worshipping presence. The amazing news of the coming of the kingdom of God is the heart and core of Christ’s message for humanity. On returning to earth Jesus will establish this kingdom. He will be the sole ruler of this kingdom. He will reign on this earth forever. The main purpose of the message of Christ or the word of God is the initiation of a new world government. This government will not comprise of self-centered individuals and will perpetuate eternally on this earth. It is not the Heaven, church, moral reform, or the heart rather it is God’s sovereignty against all the evil existing in the world. It will exist both in the present as well as in the future. Though its arrival was amazing still it succeeded in defeating death, sin and Satan. It has given us a lot of freedom and it has helped in the fulfillment of the promises in the Old Testament. There is very less agreement about what the kingdom of God is. There is a common notion among many people that the kingdom of God is the kingdom of heaven.

In order to gather clear notion about the kingdom of God we must go through the Bible and clarify each and every concept about it. God had established His world at the time of creation and He is the ruler over the entire world and His people.  The perfect devotees of God surrender themselves to Him and try to tread His path in the perfect way.

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